Thursday, October 11, 2012

Numbers (heart motives)

                God heart, Israel's heart, and Moses and Aaron's heart.

      First, I'll talk about God's heart because it's my favorite. I noticed that throughout the whole book, there are serious ups and downs to God's emotions. One minute he was aggravated to the point of wanting to commit genocide...multiple times! But then he forgives the strong headed masses once atonement have been made. Now this is just an opinion but I got to say it; God doesn't want to act this way. He doesn't want to punish them and kill them off for their stupid rebellions but his hands are completely tied; if he gave the people no punishment for what they had done, then Israel would never learn their lesson about being thankful, trusting, and to follow God. And of course, the best way to get people to change behavior is to get them extremely sorry they got caught and make the consequence too much to bear (usually death in this case) But what I'm trying to say is; God's heart motives were to teach the Israelites. They needed to understand how to be grateful  how to be different from the rest of the world, how to live justly without jealousy and contempt for the people around them.
Which leads me to Israel's heart; they were stubborn, stuck in survival mode, and could not for the life of them (literally, haha) get through their thick skulls that GOD WAS IN CONTROL. They have all the laws in front of them yet following them was easier said then done. Their hearts filled to the brim with their own desires which caused them to foolishly forget the good things God was desperately trying to teach them. Like in Numbers 15:39 when God wants people to put tassels on their clothing to remember God's commandments it was because the Israelites were inclined to whore after their own heart. Israel's baseline for living screams selfishness. All they pursue in life comes from their own heart which sadly contrasted God's commandments.  This can not be the case for a nation God calls to represent Him and all his character traits.
Luckily, Israel has some saving grace; Aaron and Moses. I forget how many times it says Aaron and Moses fell on their face by the tent of meeting. Whenever problems arose, Aaron and Moses went to God for direction. they were constantly interceding for Israel, reminding God of human's need for His mercy, and graciousness and praying he would be slow to anger but abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. (granted, they made mistakes too but no one is perfect) Moses and Aaron understood what was going on. They could see the people's mindsets clashing and fighting against right and wrong and they could see God's intolerance to the sin and filth the Israelites emitted. Representing God with the all that filth just can't happen because it would be a lie. Moses and Aaron's heart cried out for understanding and resolution between God and man.
I believe as I keep on reading through the bible and get into the second and third generation Israelites; the ones who get to enter into the promise land, I will observe how they are becoming more teachable and their heart begins to understand that God controls their safety and can provide for them. I'm guessing their hearts will be more open to obeying God as he leads. Of course, they will still have their downfalls, but it's a process! Thankfully God helps us every step of the way.

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